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There are so many ways to say, and to sincerely express our THANKS..

We are who we are, because of the people in our lives,

Thanks to our families who raised us,

Thanks to the families we are raising.

Thanks to the friends who support us and are there for us,

Thanks to those who we talk to, and rely on every day,

And Thanks to those who we only talk to “every so often”..

We all make up our beautiful, fragile and ever so special

“Family of Friends”


I think anytime is the best time to say...

THANKS everyone! YOU are all such GREAT people,

You have no idea how much I truly appreciate your friendship,

keep the emails and comments coming!

I sincerely hope you have a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving,

No matter where you are, or who you are with...

Make it a memory to last a lifetime!

BTW.. it's been 11 years and THAT is what makes each day,

each memory, and every friend absolutely WONDERFUL.